
In the following table you will find an overview of the literature we have compiled on the topic of music geragogy.

On the one hand, the entries are labelled with keywords and on the other hand with the categories "English-language literature", "Article in a journal", "Article in a book or conference proceedings", "Practical material" and "Monograph or edited volume". You can also select these categories in the keywords and then filter out all the corresponding entries. You can also combine the filter function with a name or title search and then display all search results sorted.

The keywords are: "movement and dance", "education, learning and development", "biography work", "dementia", "instruments and improvisation", "intergenerational", "intercultural", "listening to music", "music therapy", "singing and voice", "grief, end-of-life care, hospice".

If you would like to correct anything in the list, please feel free to contact us. At the bottom of the contact page you will also find a form for entering new literature references. Please use this form if possible so that we can work with the keywords and our system.

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491 entries were found.

Author Publ. Title
Ashida, S. 2000 The effect of reminiscence music therapy sessions on changes in depressive symptoms in elderly persons with dementia.
Auch-Johannes, I. & Weymann, E. (Hrsg.) 2015 Klangbrücken: Musiktherapie in der häuslichen Versorgung von Menschen mit Demenz – ein Leitfaden für die Praxis.
Baird, A. & Samson, S. 2009 Memory for Music in Alzheimer´s Disease: Unforgettable?
Baken, R. J. 2005 The Aged Voice: A New Hypothesis
Baum, B. 2014 Erstes Aachener Anti-Aging Bläserensemble. Ein Bläserklassenkonzept für Erwachsene an der freien Musikschule music loft
Baumann, M. & Bünemann, D. 2009 Musiktherapie in Hospizarbeit und Palliative Care
Baumgartner, G. 2003 Note für Note
Bayr. Staatsministerium für Gesundheit und Pflege (Hrsg.) 2022 Musizieren mit Menschen mit Demenz. Ratgeber für Angehörige und Pflegende (3. Auflage).
Bayrisches Staatsministerium für Arbeit, Sozialordnung, Familie und Frauen (Hrsg.) 2006 Musizieren mit dementen Menschen. Ratgeber für Angehörige und Pflegende (Reinhardts Gerontologische Reihe, Bd. 39).
Belgrave, M. 2009 The Effect of Expressive and Instrumental Touch on The Behavior States of Older Adults with Late-Stage Dementia of The Alzheimer's Type and on Music Therapist's Perceived Rapport.